It’s Valentines Day!
If you are fortunate in life, or maybe just lucky, you will one day find true love. I am convinced that true love is bestowed on you only once in your time. Of course there will be many people you care about and you may even love them truly, but when you find your real true love the impact is so unique, so overwhelming that you will have no doubt about what it is. The Italians have an expression, “Colpo di fulmine,” which loosely translated means “thunderbolt”. I’ve always thought that expressed the feeling as well as anything I ever heard.
I was extremely fortunate beyond my wildest imaginings to find my true love after waiting only 30 years. She is my lover, my best friend, as well as my harshest, truest critic. I met her the last weekend in July of 1977 and, for me; it was “Colpo di fulmine,” at once. I knew from that first time that this was the woman with whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life and fortunately, for me, she felt the same.
Some years back, after the last child was gone and we were once again a couple, I watched her busily cross stitching away in her den chair as I sat across from her with a book; a boring picture at age 25, but a comfortable one at 55. For some reason I was struck by the moment and I guess, as it does from time to time, the muse came upon me and I wrote the poem below.
There are many who see this day as a Hallmark invention and maybe they are correct. However, maybe we need a day, just one day to close out the worries of life and the dangers of the world, take a deep breath, look at the person across the room and simply say, “I love you.”
Sonnet for Nancy
I watch the candle flicker off your alabaster skin.
In a rush I am reminded of the love I have for you,
And how once a flame was kindled that still burns within
Us both. I am remiss to say the words as often as I should,
And through this time got from your heart more than you received.
Now tonight as I watch, you unaware, remembering all the good
We’ve shared. Tapestry of life and lives together we weave.
First two, then four and five. Babies, children, growing, grown.
Baseball, soccer, dance recitals, schedules frantic beyond relief.
First needing all our love and, now wanting just to be alone.
Our one life has seen it all you know, great joy and deepest grief.
Such love is one for all the ages, of that there is no doubt.
So roll me in your arms love and blow the candle out.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all who have found true love and all those who seek it still.