Sometimes I Just Wonder
Sometimes I wonder about things. Sometimes I wonder about the strangest things. I say strange because when I try discussing my wonders with other people they look at me funny; except for my wife she just looks at me scornfully.
It’s hard to be a wonderer these days; what with Google and all these other search engines. Usually one of this younger generation whips out their iwhatever and has the answer before I get in to real pondering mode. What a shame; quick answers to the great mysteries of life.
Yet still I wonder what tornados sounded like before freight trains were invented. You know what I’m talking about. “ I was sitting on the toilet having my daily constitutional, reading the Sear’s catalogue when I heard this terrible noise. It sounded just like a freight train passing overhead. When I come out, the roof was blowed plumb off my house and was laying in Joe Bob’s chicken pen quarter mile down the road. Yep, sounded just like a freight train.” Now in 1790 how would this man describe the sound of a tornado? “Well it sounded just like a regiment of Continental soldiers after eatin’ a pot of beans?” Nah, not the same and I don’t know the answer, I just wonder.
Lately I’ve been thinking about the cellist Yo Yo Ma. I wonder what his parents were thinking when they named their child Yo Yo, Did they hope he would turn out to be a spinning top world champion? Okay they are Chinese; I get that, but he grew up in France and it had to be tough in school when the other little boys were Pierre and Francois. I wonder if the street expression “Yo Ma” was due to him or did his parents hear it and like the sound of it? I just wonder sometimes. I wonder if his parents had named him Bubba would he still have been a famous cellist or would he have been drinking beer, driving a truck and watching NASCAR? I wonder if Pablo wouldn’t have been a better name but then that Casales guy already had that one.
I’m sure some of the young folk have already “thumbed” their way to the real answer as to why that name. I wonder whatever happened to senses of humor.
I wonder why you need an appointment to see a psychic. Don’t they already know when you’re coming?
I wonder why we can keep Cuban cigars out of the country but not cocaine.
Finally, I wonder if a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around will the wife still say it’s her husband’s fault?
I wonder,,,As Time Goes By.
PS: I’m off to do some hiking in the mountains but I promise I’ll be ion touch again soon. –ATGB