Monday, January 2, 2012

I Do Hereby Resolve

I Do Hereby Resolve

It is time once again to sit and reflect on days past, days to come, and again go through that exercise in frustration called “New Year’s Resolutions”.

Believe it or not the custom of New Year’s Resolutions goes all the way back to the Romans.  According to an article in, in 153 B.C., Janus, a mythical king of early Rome was placed at the head of the calendar.  This god had two opposing faces that allowed him to look backward at the year past and forward to the year ahead and became the symbol of resolutions.  Hard to imagine but human kind has been frustrating itself with these broken self-promises for over two thousand years.

Who am I to buck such a long-standing tradition?  For better and, sometimes, worse, here are my resolves for 2012.  I have attempted to be bold this year because if the Mayans are right – why not?

Resolve #1 – Write more.  I began this blog as a resolution last year and although I did write, it has been sporadic at best.  What I discovered is that writing is hard work and takes a discipline I have yet to perfect.  I promise to do more and better work this year.

Resolve #2 – Continue my lifelong effort to have brussel sprouts banned as an illegal substance.  I know it has its proponents but so do most drugs.  Besides, I have been to Brussels and if you try to order sprouts, the waiter will look at you funny, shrug and say, “Try the mussels.”

Resolve #3 – Pay it forward.  Part of the backward facing Janus is a reflection on the past.  I have enjoyed a blessed life, rich with love and comfort.  Shame on anyone who reaches this point in life and doesn’t not only take the opportunity, but, more so, seek the opportunity to do a kindness.

Resolve #4 – Try to be tolerant of those that believe in Dook basketball.  Indeed they are lost souls wandering aimlessly in the wilderness.

Resolve #5 – Exercise more.  This resolution is a corollary of my usual “lose weight”.  Maybe if I eat the same and exercise more something will give somewhere or, better, maybe I can eat more and break even.

Resolve #6 – Finish my “milkshake” quest at Cookout.  Probably my biggest disappoint of 2011, I failed miserably in my effort to run through their extensive 40 “shake” menu, only getting 14 down.  I think I became discouraged, and, somewhat repulsed, after downing the Watermelon shake in July.  However, with renewed resolve I forge ahead in 2012.  I will also set up a separate blog with appropriate comments on each frozen concoction.

Resolve #7  – Work for World Peace.  Okay I’m being flippant.  We all know if I succeeded in this there would be a serious backlash on the beauty pageant circuit.  Contestants everywhere would have to answer the “This is what I will do if I win” question with “Duh”.

Resolve #The Last – Wake each morning with the understanding that this day is yet another gift; yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is nothing more than a maybe.  Make the most of now.

Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. nice job -- just finished a short book about writing. If you really want to write more then schedule your writing into your week the way you would scheduled a meeting or an obligation. Give yourself whatever time you want to write - an hour, 90 minutes, two hours -- and as many times a week as you think you want to do it -- two, three, four,? All up to you but the key is to put it in the schedule if it is important to you. I thought that was good advice and still have not put it into my schedule.
